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Our Sunday Services

Our Sunday service experiences are designed around our purpose statement -


"The Purpose of Love Covenant Fellowship is to lead people to the love and grace of God, and to grow together in a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.”


“Our hope is that by providing an atmosphere of worship and community, you will know you are not only welcomed here, but you are welcomed into a real, powerful, and life changing relationship with Jesus.”


We have members from many different church backgrounds. It's important to us that no matter where you come from, who you are, or what you've gone through, that when you're here, it's not religion you encounter, but a real and tangible relationship with the person and presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


It's His love that transforms, and in the little time that we have

each Sunday, our goal is to lead you to this powerful love through

worshipful music, Biblical preaching & teaching, and God centered

testimonies that will inspire, equip, strengthen, and encourage you

to wholeheartedly trust and follow Jesus.


Our Sunday morning services start at 10:30 am. Our children

ages 0-12 meet in our Kingdom Kids nursery and classrooms

at the same time. 


We hope to see you Sunday!



Better Together

Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from His love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.


Philippians 2:1-2


17897 West Pridesville Rd.

Amelia, VA 23002




Love Covenant Fellowship - LCF

  • Love Covenant Fellowship - LCF
  • Love Covenant Fellowship
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